Healthcare division

Healthcare division

Healthcare division

Healthcare division offers end to end healthcare information management solution for our customers at a very affordable price. We have a full experience in developing customized, robust and secure software solutions for physicians, healthcare ISVs, hospitals & provider networks in the Health IT industries. We believe healthcare should enjoy latest technology and have continuous update. Our customers enjoy the latest cutting edge technology that serves not only for current needs also for their future requirements.


Tech Innovation serves well known healthcare institutions in the Saudi Market. We are one of the top 10 Healthcare IT companies based in the Saudi Arabia. Our Engineers are specialized both in Software and Hardware for delivering a complete one stop shop solution.


We can fully leverage diverse software technologies and platforms to create effective healthcare apps and we understand healthcare – its complex workflows and regulatory requirements. We are not just app developers.

Our Healthcare division is divided into

Intelligent hospitals solutions

We offers a lot a smart advanced medical solutions that help in the service of patients and medical staff in the hospital and facilitate the workflow, coordination, organization and raise the level of entertainment and comfort for the patient such as Patient Self Check-in Systems, Infotainment Terminals Unit, Computerized Medical Carts and more.

Clinical Sample Labeling Solution

We offer Customized Barcoding and labeling solutions that is mainly designed to help healthcare workers to scan and barcode patient specimen and their clinical samples. Marking and tracking lab samples and specimens with barcodes is a highly effective method for preventing errors before they enter into caregiver workflows. Using barcoding for lab sample management prevents mistakes, improves patient safety, and streamlines laboratory operations

Medication Barcoding Administration solution

An electronic barcode medication administration system (BCMA), Flexible solution which offer the capability to verify and administrate the drugs and medication at the bedside, this solution is mainly designed to reduce medication administration errors. Safely administering medications is a complex process, which includes patient assessment, order verification, medication, dose and route verification and patient verification.

Healthcare Information Management Solutions

We offers a lot of healthcare information technology platform such as HIS, LIS, RIS, PACS, Solutions for Dental , Solution for Orthopedic , Solution for Pediatrics, Solution for Woman Healthcare , IPD & OPD Solution and more.

Smart Ambulances Solutions

For disaster relief operations or emergency medical services (EMS), time is much more than a matter of money—it’s a matter of life and death. An ambulance-to-hospital based telemedicine system is the best example of how mobile technology can help save lives, by providing real time patient information to the hospital via wireless communications, enabling remote diagnoses and primary care, and reducing rescue response time.

Tracking, Monitoring and Calling Solutions

We offers an advance Wi-Fi-based Tracing , Monitoring and calling solutions  such as RTLS (Real Time Location System), Patient Tracking system , Temperature & Humidity Monitoring, Nurse Call Systems, Staff Safety & Workflow Optimization to improve logistical and operational processes and help in the services of medical staff and patient in the hospital and facilitate the workflow, coordination and organization.

What Are You Waiting For?

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